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The key objective of the client was to expedite employee appraisal closure and screening and ranking of CVs based on the job description. The client partnered with us to set up a center of competency and develop solutions for minimizing the manual work.

About the Client

The client is a major European human resource solution provider primarily dealing with HR solutions, recruitments, staffing, placement, and outsourcing.

Business Challenge

The existing customer process for appraisal was done through multiple steps by navigating various screens in their primary application. Similarly, resume screening was done manually, which was not quite accurate leading to errors and omissions. Poor NPS score and low-cost efficiency of the products were impacting the customer’s overall satisfaction with Haufe’s product and the customer’s loyalty towards the brand.

Our Solution

Partnering with the client, we successfully provided the needed solution to expedite the appraisal and screening process- Chatbot for Employee Appraisal closure process, where manager interacts with bot to close performance review- NER with frequency distribution Category classification Chat Bot – Open Source Technology – RASA Automated screening and ranking of CVs based on Job Description- Category classification from the job description Topic Modeling and Cosine Similarity with LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation) to define a model Ranking based algorithm to rank CVs based on matching accuracy% Define an algorithm to locate specific data fields within the existing Database- Pattern matching Probability distribution function Deep Learning (pre-defined models) Label classification The entire solution was implemented using open source technologies.

Delivering More Value

Improved NPS score and improve the cost-efficiency Automated processing time of job description to curriculum vitae matching less than 10 minutes, manually it used to take multiple hours of effort to scan the CVs according to the job description (depends on the pool of CVs). Enhanced Customer experience with Appraisal Assistant Chatbot. The seamless experience of completing the Appraisal process.

AdfarTech Advantage
Resume screening is a complex process, with the manual matching of resume and job descriptions. Our project team worked in close conjunction with stakeholders, business analysts’s and application teams to ensure smooth and timely delivery. The entire screening process was implemented using open-source NLP based technologies with reusable components. Our expertise in required AI technologies was a key differentiator.