Delivering a flexible, well-connected API-based cargo ground-handling system for the client


The client engaged with AdfarTech to create an API based ground handling system as part of its strategic initiative. The final solution not only ensured efficient and real-time messaging across systems but also ensured the availability and flexibility of the ground-handling ecosystem. The well-integrated system span various business areas such as material handling system, inventory control system, IVRS, airline systems, government regulatory systems, departure control system, etc.

About the Client

The client is the chief ground-handling service provider at major South East Asian airports and controls about 80% of the airport’s ground handling business. The client has a presence in 14 regions with experience spanning over 70 years.

Business Challenge

The client engaged with AdfarTech to create an API-based ground handling system as part of its strategic initiative.

Our Solution

Our domain expertise with our IT development, implementation, and integration experience enabled us to deliver a flexible yet well-connected cargo ground-handling system for the client. The API based cargo solution’s core systems such as flight management, airway bill management, accounting, export, and import handling, rules configuration, etc. were seamlessly integrated into various external systems like mobile devices, weighing devices, airlines, truck control, inventory, control, customs, SITA, etc.

  • Website​
  • Material Handling System​
  • Inventory Control System​
  • Mail Sorting System​
  • Tracking System​
  • Tracking System
  • Universal Flight Information System​
  • SAP​
  • Email Server
  • ​SMS Gateway​
  • IVRS​
  • Export Queuing System​
  • Hardware Devices like Weighing scale, RFID/Barcode Scanners & Printers, etc.​

The solution interfaces with the drivers’ external systems as well, such as:​

  • Cargo System​
  • Mail Handling System​
  • Departure Control System​
  • Airline Systems – Cargo Reservation, Weight & Balance System, etc.
  • Cargo Community Systems (CCS) like Cargo Community Network (CCN)​
  • Postal Agency​
  • Customs​

The solution enabled the necessary EDI Messaging Capabilities to support the generation and processing of the below:

  • Interchange Message Procedures (IMP) messages​
  • XML messages​
  • Airport Handling Manual (AHM) messages like Standard Schedule Message (SSM), Ad-hoc Schedule Message (ASM), etc. 
  • Customized/manual Type-B Telex messages​
  • Mail messages​
  • Messages via Message brokers like ARINC, SITA, etc.​

Delivering More Value

  • Enabled 10,000+ AWB transactions / day ​
  • Ensured smooth operations of 400+ flights/day 
  • Allowed 600 concurrent users to the system at any point in time​
  • Facilitated real-time and uninterrupted communication through 100,000 EDI messages/day on an average​
  • Reduced cargo trans-shipment time by more than 40%​
  • Improved capacity utilization of cargo terminal​
  • Increased cargo handling capacity by 50%​
  • Enabled real-time flight and shipment tracking​
case studies

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