Table of Contents

The Client

Is a Ministerial department of the UK Government responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy.

Key Challenges

  • Digital Transformation journey of legacy system and immediate support to the project
  • The legacy application doesn’t meet the technological needs anymore.
  • The system was not scalable to changing operational needs.
  • Lack of platform expertise to support the application.
  • Huge Data Migration was required from existing platform to facilitate the smooth processing.
  • Up-gradation of the existing platform to latest available versions.
  • Stringent delivery timelines of 6 months to production floor


AdfarTech built a solution using Pega Platform to:

  • Support the client digital transformation journey of its existing system to Pega platform.
  • Cloud data migration of existing system to CFEMS Pega application.
  • Measure the application performance with full roll out for 5k+ users.
  • Train, up-skill, and enable client resources so that in-house Pega capabilities can be increased enabling client’s Self Sufficiency
  • Support client to setup a Pega ecosystem with a Centre-of-Excellence (CoE) and in-house technical leadership is built with Pega skills

Business Benefits

AdfarTech built solution provides below stated business benefits to the client:

  • Automated processes and correspondence capabilities.
  • Secured application that is available on cloud.
  • Seamless experience with access to various system integrated to provide a smooth case processing with reduced TAT.
  • Robust audit tracking tracing to minute levels.
  • Improved reporting and access management features.
  • Reduced 30% of client FTE earlier required to process the cases.