Table of Contents

The Client

The client is a governmental New South Wales entity that provides legal and non-legal services to certain socially and economically disadvantaged people across NSW.

Key Challenges

  • The current system provided to client executives is not effective at assisting staff to perform their daily operations.
  • Absence of an intuitive UI Screen in the system
  • System lacks SLA capability, and it didn’t allow user to search the records and do multitasking
  • The existing system lacks reporting capability and would require maintaining different excel sheets for individual requests.
  • The system was not user friendly hence motivating the staff to look for manual workarounds in dealing with Client problems using predominantly paper-based processes.


AdfarTech built a solution using Pega platform to:

  • Implement a highly intuitive UI and dynamic layout to have improvised user experience
  • Provide 3600 view to the end user for open tasks & service requests assigned to the individual
  • Automating the renewal of yearly business forecast reports.
  • Elevate the customer experience via real-time correspondence to external parties

Business Benefits

AdfarTech built solution provides below stated business benefits to the client:

  • Reduction of approximately 12k duty services request
  • 15-20% improvement in Productivity post DMS integration.
  • 5% Improvement in closing Request
  • Better visibility on the processes and handling