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The dynamic services industry challenges companies to reduce downtime in order to thrive. The advent of technologies such as cloud and mobility has improved communications and fueled globalization These realities are propelling the services industry towards transforming their business models to continue to add value. In addition, the sheer number, diversity, and complexity of devices on which organizations run their critical applications make it near-impossible to resolve issues on these devices when they do arise. There is a clear need to invest in intelligent approaches for business success by optimizing productivity and efficiency while providing accurate and timely information. A Shift-Left approach is the need of the hour. Using ‘ElfTouchTM’, we employ Shift-Left strategies to solve end-point problems (PC, mobile, variables) even before they occur, taking operational efficiency to a completely new level.

The Intelligent Service Desk

ElfTouchTM goes beyond mitigating techniques such as call deflection by eliminating the incoming calls. These types of disruptive techniques make it possible for most businesses to continue to explore linear growth opportunities as the customary approaches cease to be effective.

ElfTouchTM optimizes service and support operations by equipping the service desk operators with new tools to respond to multi-channel support requests effectively. With such advanced tools that are primed to work on new support channels, enterprises can eliminate productivity-inhibitors, offer new value-added services and reduce expenses while growing the business.

Our Solution

The key features of the ElfTouchTM solution are:

  • Pre-emptive Support: When this is implemented on the device, it automatically detects, diagnoses, and resolves issues quickly without the user’s active involvement.
  • User-friendly Interface: A unified single-pane management console for all the devices including laptops, desktops, mobiles, tablets.
  • Small footprint: The tool software occupies only 8-10 MB storage space on the user’s device, ensuring agile execution without being resource-intensive.
  • Non-invasive Remote Support: Even during the issue resolution activity by the support staff, users can continue operations without incurring any loss of productivity.
  • Scalability: The database can be easily reconfigured as demanded by growing number of users, applications, and devices. This ensures that aggressive growth ramps can be supported, and support professionals continue to be effective
  • Flexibility: The tool ElfTouchTM can be readily integrated with ITSM tools for auto ticketing, resolutions, and custom real-time dashboards.
  • One-Stop Solution: ElfTouchTM serves the whole gamut of needs for support and operations with effective support for mobile device management, auto-resolution, end-point monitoring, reporting, and self-help resolutions
  • Predictive Issue Resolution: ElfTouchTM continuously monitors the system for issues, diagnoses the detected problems and automatically fixes them in the background without any manual interventi
  • Self-Healing: ElfTouchTM manages most device issues without any intervention from the end-user or the help-desk. As new issues are identified, AdfarTech highly capable experts script the solutions into ElfTouchTM to ensure that these are not repeated and promote the power of self-healing.
  • Proactive Management: Pre-defined, exhaustive maintenance schedules ensure that daily schedules remain uninterrupted. The schedule is highly customizable and can also be changed quickly if required.
  • Problem Management: ElfTouchTM can be integrated with existing ITSM tools to manage incidents or can be used as-is through a user-friendly interface to receive automated notifications that can be categorized, prioritized, and resolved with a single click.
  • Service Availability: Services from multiple systems can be grouped and managed from a single console. A service can be restarted or re-installed when required while keeping close tabs on the historical data that is easily accessible.
  • Intrusion Protection: Multiple applications, protocols, and operating systems can be protected using a device-based intrusion protection method through a centralized management console.
  • Preventive Maintenance: ElfTouchTM enables preventive measures such as Cache clean, Disk clean-up, and cookie clean-up to prevent issues from arising out of ill-maintained devices and provide a seamless experience.
  • Automated System Maintenance: Superior system maintenance happens silently in the background while users continue with their daily activities. The maintenance schedule is highly customizable and keeps a detailed console log.
  • Automated Update Management: ElfTouchTM distributes updates for a host of applications. Patches are applied regardless of network availability by leveraging peer-to-peer networks.
  • Resource Monitoring: Real-time monitoring ensures effective system performance and optimizes processor utilization on a 24×7 basis.
  • Proactive Incident Management: ElfTouchTM automatically escalates issues to the service desk while the service desk remotely pushes out the resolutions and silently executes them in the background without any interruption or user intervention.
  • Workstation Management: Real-time actionable notifications ensure systems continue to be running and available. This is done through a web-based interface that does not require any polling of devices.
  • Provisioning and Metering: Real-time monitoring of applications keeps a tab on unregistered and unlicensed software and prevents its unwarranted execution.