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The key objective of the client was to digitize its’ applications. The client partnered with us to get the right API platform to unify and digitize their applications and use their existing capabilities to save costs on new developments.

About the Client

The client is a leading supplemental US health insurance and a Fortune 500 company. It offers financial protection to its policyholders so that they can focus on recovery, stress-free.

Business Challenge

They had scattered applications that they wanted to consolidate and have a unified solution. They had multiple API applications to market their products, except they were all built in silos. The time-to-market for any new product was approximately two months, which was a delay. They also wanted to utilize its technical potential to its full capacity.

Our Solution

The iEval framework helped them decide on an API platform they needed to unify all their existing API solutions.

AdfarTech value addition was in the form of consultation with the digital experts who had domain knowledge. These experts invested close to three weeks in helping the client assign a weightage to the applicable sub-features in their API program. They attributed ratings to the features and sub-features of the API platforms selected by the client for a comparative evaluation. The weightage, along with the expert ratings, were the final determiners. AdfarTech evaluated four API products and tailored the client-provided use cases. The result was a well-customized solution that indicated the right platform the client needed.

Delivering More Value

The iEval framework helped reduce cost and effort considerably. It would have taken 8-10 weeks to narrow down to an appropriate API platform in the absence of iEval, which accomplished the task in a mere three weeks. It helped in modernizing and strengthening the existing technology landscape. Following the iEval suggestions, the client set up a hybrid model API platform in a poly-cloud environment. The client gained great cost benefits. iEval framework evaluated the existing API platforms and narrowed down the features that the client was paying for, but not utilizing. iEval helped the clients switch to the appropriate API platforms and discard the unwanted.


If clients opt for off-the-shelf iEval solution, the duration it takes to select the needed API platform reduces to a few hours.
The more customized the solution required, the more time it takes for the iEval framework to suggest the right API platform. Since the solution is domain-agnostic, our experts can customize the iEval framework according to the clients’ domain.

Flexibility in iEval is built-in, and it can suggest the addition to or removal of API platforms.